Friday, 10 June 2011

Yuki Mitsuyasu


By Yuki Mitsuyasu

“When you choose your partner, his religion, nationality, or wealth does not matter; be with someone who lets you shine, then he is a man worth being with.”- Toshiyuki Mitsuyasu
Shine is characterised by two hearts. Each symbolizing a person. Each bold and unique from the other.
Together though, they realize something brighter than if they were apart. On the Shine necklace, the two hearts come together to complete the clasp (and pendant) as a star.

(Awarded Best New Product at International Jewellery London 2008)

We love Yuki Mitsuyasu's imaginitive jewellery because it combines sentiment and technical ingenious! This mixture of precision and symbolism has also caught the eye of respected fashion blogger Susie Lau recently featuring Yuki's work on her blog Style Bubble. The clever fastening devices and secret features of her work really have to be seen in real life to be enjoyed, so come into the shop and we'll give you a live demonstration!